Sarah Grace Tuttle

virtual visits...
15-20 MINUTE Q&A - FREE!
A free 15-20 minute virtual Question and Answer Zoom session is available to any educator using my book(s) with their student(s). Students must have read at least one of my books prior to my visit. Educators of any sort (school teacher, librarian, community education teacher, home schooling parent, tutor, camp counselor, after school teacher, or anyone else teaching in any way) are encouraged to reach out to me through my website regarding this offer. Length: 15-20 minutes Target Age: Any Cost: $0
I offer virtual story time presentations for pre-K and elementary students via Zoom, and writing workshops for all ages. Title 1 schools and certain other organizations receive discounts. Please contact me for more information, or to ask me about creating a customized visit based on your curriculum.