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Trans Visibility

Happy Poetry Friday! Today we're hosted by Tricia over at The Miss Rumphius Effect. Head on over to her post for a gentle poem of mourning and other poetry treasures.

Transgender flag of light blue, pink, and white stripes.

The International Transgender Day of Visibility is this weekend, on March 31. Happy day!!! Let this be your periodic reminder that I am polygender ... which I insist on saying out loud every so often, because I can.

Did you participate in the Trans Rights Readathon this year? It technically runs March 22-29, but... the beautiful thing about a decentralized event is that you can make a version that works for you-- and if that means you participate by reading, sharing, or celebrating a trans story in the future... or just quietly donating a few dollars to the trans rights organization of your choice... have at it! Need an idea? Check out the Trans Rights Readathon website for book lists, charities, and a really fun reading bingo challenge!

Also, let's take this moment to hype The Queer Liberation Library-- a free ebook and audiobook resource available via the Libby App and Overdrive to anyone in the United States. They curate an amazing selection of queer titles, and are providing a massive service to our community-- especially those who can't safely access these books locally.

And now, a poem for you! It's still a draft, but it makes sense to me to share it this week. Happy reading, and celebrating!



My word took some time to find—

took sifting through sale racks

entering countless dressing rooms

trying on anything that might kind of fit

hoping to find a definition

that I could slip into

and feel fabulous wearing.


My word was hiding in a

a color-coded lexicon

with subheading wormholes to

specifically tailored dimensions

where no-size-fits-all me

found it, finally.


My word isn’t well-travelled.

It doesn’t fit any one else I know,

or magically create community.

But it does cling to me just right.

It’s loose where I need to move freely,

tight where I need support.

It has weathered several closet clean outs,

and mixes and matches perfectly with

other letters I keep finding

buried in doom piles

I’m still sorting through.


One day,

my word might be the subject

of a phrase.

  ~ Sarah Grace Tuttle

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Hidden City, by Sarah Grace Tuttle, illustrated by Amy Shimler-Stafford


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