Happy Poetry Friday! Today we're hosted by Rose over at Imagine the Possibilities. Thanks Rose!
I was debating what to post today, because I've written some quite angry, heartfelt poems about the news lately and I'm prone to wanting to share those. But, then I came across this old poem on my hard drive, and I decided that today I wanted to share a breath of respite. Maybe you need it as much as I do?
Even with all the awful goings on right now, the Spring Equinox has still happened. The Wheel of the Year turns, growth and all things green are on their way. The strawberries in our raised beds are putting out new leaves, and that matters. It matters.
ice crystals in soil
expand, expand
wedge open tiny cracks
between tiny rocks
when the thaw comes
they will shrink,
run through
microscopic canyons
they left behind
melted ice crystals
will quench the thirst of roots,
and show spring rain
the way down
~Sarah Grace Tuttle
In other news, the Trans Rights Readathon starts today! 10 days to read and hype trans stories. Let's do this folks! You can see some of my TBR pile (including picture books!) in yesterday's post here.