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Progressive Poem 2024

The Progressive Poem is here today! Hooray! This year, the unfolding couplets have been emotional and poignant, as we follow two refugee siblings on their journey. My addition is in bold.

cradled in stars, our planet sleeps,

clinging to tender dreams of peace

sister moon watches from afar,

singing lunar lullabies of hope.

almost dawn, I walk with others,

keeping close, my little brother.

hand in hand, we carry courage

escaping closer to the border

My feet are lightning;

My heart is thunder.

Our pace draws us closer

to a new land of wonder.

I bristle against rough brush—

poppies ahead brighten the browns.

Morning light won’t stay away—

hearts jump at every sound.

I hum my own little song

like ripples in a stream

Humming Mami’s lullaby

reminds me I have her letter

My fingers linger on well-worn creases,

shielding an address, a name, a promise–

Sister Moon will find always us

surrounding us with beams of kindness

But last night as we rested in the dusty field,

worries crept in about matters back home.

I huddled close to my brother. Tears revealed

the no-choice need to escape. I feel grown.

Leaving all I’ve ever known

the tender, heavy, harsh of home.

On to maybes, on to dreams,

on to whispers we hope could be.

Visit Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe tomorrow for the next addition! And, thank you to Margaret Simon for coordinating this year's efforts. For the complete list of contributors, see below.

Also... happy book birthday to Bless Our Pets, which hits shelves today (April 16)! For a sneak peek at my poem in the book, check out my Poetry Friday post from two weeks ago.

April 1 Patricia Franz at Reverie

April 3 Janice Scully at Salt City Verse

April 4 Leigh Anne Eck at A Day in the Life

April 5 Irene at Live Your Poem

April 6 Margaret at Reflections on the Teche

April 7 Marcie Atkins

April 10 Linda Baie at Teacher Dance

April 11 Buffy Silverman

April 12 Linda Mitchell at A Word Edgewise

April 13 Denise Krebs at Dare to Care

April 14 Carol Varsalona at Beyond Literacy Link

April 15 Rose Cappelli at Imagine the Possibilities

April 17 Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe

April 18 Tabatha at Opposite of Indifference

April 19 Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core

April 20 Tricia Stohr-Hunt at The Miss Rumphius Effect

April 21 Janet, hosted here at Reflections on the Teche

April 22 Mary Lee Hahn at A(nother) Year of Reading

April 23 Tanita Davis at (fiction, instead of lies)

April 24 Molly Hogan at Nix the Comfort Zone

April 25 Joanne Emery at Word Dancer

April 26 Karin Fisher-Golton at Still in Awe

April 27 Donna Smith at Mainely Write

April 28 Dave at Leap of Dave

April 29 Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge

April 30 Michelle Kogan at More Art for All

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Hidden City, by Sarah Grace Tuttle, illustrated by Amy Shimler-Stafford


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